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So far Destrier has created 92 blog entries.

Why M2M is making the perfect 5* peer review score more credible

Why M2M is making the perfect 5* peer review more credible

As strategic advisors on enterprise peer reviews, we often encounter vendors who are frustrated that competitors have achieved yet another perfect review score – the full five stars on Gartner Peer Insights (GPI) and G2, or the perfect 10 on TrustRadius.

“How can this review be real?” they question. “They can’t have THAT MANY happy customers, surely!” Their sentiment is shared by the review sites – with TrustRadius encouraging vendors to take its TRUE trust pledge (Transparent, Responsive, Unbiased and Ethical) and GPI’s Customer First initiative, which […]

By |2023-07-26T18:47:44+01:00July 4th, 2023|

The pain of a three-star vendor-sourced review

The pain of a three-star vendor-sourced review

They’re relatively rare but still come up often enough to make tech vendors wince: the dreaded three-star customer review.

Vendors hate them, yet the principal review sites maintain that a smattering of 3* reviews is healthy. We’d agree, but these more critical views don’t need to come from vendor-sourced reviews.

On Gartner Peer Insights (GPI), for example, reviews come from two primary sources – “invited by vendor” and “invited by Gartner”. The GPI team notes the importance of ensuring a balance to avoid a “vendor-centric voice”.

Also, objectivity goes out of the window […]

By |2023-06-28T14:17:59+01:00June 28th, 2023|

Ready to Lead the Pack? Your Thought Leadership Handbook is Here

Ready to Lead the Pack? Your Thought Leadership Handbook is Here

Have you ever found yourself musing over the term ‘thought leader’? Browsing through business articles and industry talks, the phrase may have sparked your interest. You might even harbor dreams of becoming a thought leader or envisage your organization stepping into that coveted role. Yet, the path to this lofty perch might seem shrouded in mystery.

Today, let’s shed light on this intriguing concept and chart a roadmap for your journey to thought leadership.

Decoding Thought Leadership: More than Just Expertise

Being a thought leader […]

By |2023-06-03T09:51:50+01:00June 1st, 2023|

Gartner Peer Insights returns to focus on reviews

Out with the new and in with the old: Gartner Peer Insights returns to focus on reviews

It’s back to the future for Gartner with a return by Peer insights to focusing on reviews – and the end of a short but dramatic flirtation with a communities-led approach.

Gartner has completed the split of Peer Insights, its customer review site, from Peer Communities, the rebranded version of its Pulse Q&A acquisition.

The Communities-led version of GPI was launched in late October but proved unpopular. Gartner was backtracking by January, promising a split in “Q2”.

This is […]

By |2025-03-06T11:27:59+01:00February 17th, 2023|

Omdia to relaunch its Universe methodology

Omdia to relaunch its Universe methodology

DESTRIER EXCLUSIVE – Omdia is remodelling the use of TrustRadius voice of the customer data in its flagship series of Universe reports.

Launched to fanfare in September 2020, the tie-in between analyst firm Omdia and TrustRadius boasted it would “gauge customer experience in a unique way”.

However, Omdia encountered a lack of consistent review data across the spectrum of vendors covered in the growing series of Universe reports. In extreme cases, the only visible reference to the voice of the customer was the TrustRadius logo on the report cover page.

By |2023-03-02T17:48:23+01:00February 9th, 2023|

Five things tech CMOs need to know about peer reviews in 2023

Five things tech CMOs need to know about peer reviews in 2023

Could 2023 be the year vendors recognize the full potential of peer reviews? To get the year rolling, here are five things every enterprise tech CMO needs to know about peer reviews.

1. Even in the enterprise tech buyer space, peer reviews are here to stay. They are not going away.

You don’t have to be head over heels in love with peer reviews, but it is essential to recognize their place in the tech buyer ecosystem. In the era of the self-service buyer, […]

By |2023-01-04T10:25:00+01:00January 4th, 2023|

TrustRadius zeroes on in ESG

TrustRadius zeroes on in ESG

Until now, Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) has been largely overlooked by the peer review sites crowdsourcing reviews from enterprise buyers. It’s not one of the core evaluation questions for reviews.

But ESG is not going away. As it gains momentum, the Tech Cares initiative from TrustRadius is a start in pushing ESG up the agenda for enterprise review sites. It’s also a new metric to differentiate between vendors in heavily commoditized markets.

Established by TrustRadius in 2020, Tech Cares “recognizes B2B technology companies that go above […]

By |2022-10-07T09:38:07+01:00October 6th, 2022|

Self-serve buyers increasingly demand transparency

Self-serve buyers increasingly demand transparency

Today’s enterprise technology buyers demand more transparency than ever. This is confirmed by buyers’ three favorite resources as listed in the 2022 B2B Buying Disconnect report from enterprise review site TrustRadius.

The latest research – published today – highlights a shift in buyers’ top five most-consulted resources during a vendor evaluation process. This is the first major change since the annually updated report launched in 2017. In the sixth edition of the seminal resource for B2B marketers, Communities and Forums have displaced vendor sales reps in the top five – based on a sample size of […]

By |2022-06-14T17:28:46+01:00June 14th, 2022|

Gartner adds communities to GPI

Gartner adds communities to GPI

Gartner has given its Peer Insights homepage a new address and a fresh new look as it starts to integrate a peer reviews community, based on its mid-2021 acquisition of member knowledge community site Pulse Q&A.

The official narrative: “Gartner acquired Pulse to create an enhanced community experience and empower business and technology leaders to make peer-led decisions, beyond technology purchasing.

“Pulse brings complementary capabilities to an already vibrant review community of Peer Insights. Now you can connect with thousands of business and technology leaders through online discussions, instant polling and Q&A to share knowledge, get […]

By |2022-04-14T12:47:50+01:00April 14th, 2022|

Introducing the Enterprise Peer Reviews Insider podcast

New for 2022 – Destrier’s Enterprise Peer Reviews Insider podcast

Destrier today introduces the Enterprise Peer Reviews Insider podcast series – another first as we continue to innovate in enabling technology vendors to perform at their best in this fast-growing area. 

Consumer reviews sites like Yelp, Trip Advisor and Google have been established for a while, but on the B2B side, there’s been a slower start. That’s changing fast and sites like G2, TrustRadius and Gartner Peer Insights are exerting more and more influence in the process of helping business buyers to make better, more informed decisions […]

By |2022-01-05T16:19:38+01:00January 5th, 2022|

Vendors are weaponizing enterprise peer review data – against analysts

Vendors are weaponizing enterprise peer review data – against analysts

Two years ago, Destrier’s Playbook highlighted how vendors were ‘weaponizing’ enterprise peer reviews – for example, to counter a low position in a Magic Quadrant or to highlight their strengths and exploit competitor weaknesses.

Now a new use case is emerging – vendors using Gartner Peer Insights data to put pressure on Gartner’s analysts, especially in the always emotive instance of arguing about scores in a pre-publication Magic Quadrant.

Often a source of frustration for vendors and analysts alike, the failure to reach common ground on scoring – or a vendor’s […]

By |2021-10-21T18:09:26+01:00October 21st, 2021|

Be careful what you wish for when asking customers for reviews

Be careful what you wish for when asking customers for reviews

Gartner Peer Insights is driving technology vendors to solicit reviews from enterprise customers – whether or not they want them.

The Managed Workplace Services category is an excellent case study, underlining why vendors need to focus on seeding positive reviews.

Following a torrid couple of years, customers are currently scoring DXC Technologies below the category average in several outsourcing categories – Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Managed Security Services, and in two of three global regions for Managed Workplace Services (in other areas, DXC is […]

By |2021-10-11T12:57:33+01:00October 11th, 2021|

Here’s why your first 100 enterprise peer reviews are so critical

Here’s why your first 100 enterprise peer reviews are so critical

There’s been a surge in the success of enterprise peer review sites like Gartner Peer Insights, G2 and TrustRadius. Gartner is close to 400,000 enterprise reviews, TrustRadius has 286,000 and G2 is well on its way to the two-millionth review overall, although not all are around enterprise products, services and solutions.

But the success of these platforms is not only because enterprise technology users are leaving reviews, it’s about the people reading them – and acting on the knowledge shared by their peers.

Of these millions of reviews, vendors are […]

By |2021-05-14T12:29:43+01:00May 14th, 2021|

Lagging in peer reviews? You might have an advantage after all

Lagging in peer reviews? You might have an advantage after all.

Gartner Magic Quadrant season is in full swing. And many vendors are staring up at the mountains of competitors’ review scores on Gartner Peer Insights (GPI), wondering, “how can we climb that high in such a short time?”

With enterprise peer reviews now firmly established, vendors are fully aware of the challenge of generating reviews. But many are looking for a new strategy – because they tried asking customers for reviews before, and it didn’t work. It’s such a widespread complaint that we cover it in our Playbook.

We can […]

By |2025-01-01T14:59:54+01:00March 1st, 2021|

Gartner tunes up Peer Insights methodology, claims growing vendor interest

Gartner tunes up Peer Insights methodology, claims growing vendor interest

In a regular methodology update, Gartner Peer Insights chief Anatoli Olkhovets outlined growing vendor engagement and outlined the latest tweaks to its methodology.

Changes are relatively minor but place more of an obligation on vendors to keep on sourcing new reviews – or persuade existing reviewers to update older input. In line with emerging industry standards, as noted by Olkhovets, Gartner’s algorithms are also changing to “provide a better end-user experience and search engine view”.

Gartner Peer Insights already ranks well on Google organic search. By […]

By |2025-03-06T10:45:07+01:00January 28th, 2021|

This is what enterprise peer review success looks like

This is what enterprise peer review success looks like

By Simon Jones at Destrier

When we start implementing enterprise peer review programs for clients, we’re often challenged by skeptical executives, who ask: Show me what success looks like.

This is driven by a degree of doubt that the vendor “can ever catch up” with the leaders on an enterprise peer review site like G2 or Gartner Peer Insights, when rivals may have 50 or more reviews.

Lots has been written about why peer reviews are an essential part of the buying cycle for enterprises, less about how it’s done.

So, here’s a case […]

By |2021-01-02T17:26:09+01:00December 28th, 2020|

We’ve done it again! Destrier ranked as top global boutique AR agency by analysts

Destrier does it again!

  • Reconfirmed as leading boutique analyst relations agency, worldwide – as voted by industry analysts

  • Destrier also confirmed as highest-ranked Analyst Relations agency in Europe

  • Third successive year of top ranking for Destrier

By Simon Jones, Managing Partner at Destrier

Industry analysts have ranked Destrier among the best AR agencies in the world in the annual IIAR awards. It’s a thrill that Destrier AR is confirmed as the clear leader in Europe among AR agencies and in second place worldwide!

It is the third successive year that Destrier AR has enjoyed such a stellar ranking. We […]

By |2021-01-01T17:59:08+01:00December 17th, 2020|

Analyst firm Omdia taps into user review data from TrustRadius

Analyst firm Omdia taps into user review data from TrustRadius

Analyst firm Omdia is integrating user review data from TrustRadius in its newly launched flagship Universe series of reports. It’s a crucial part of what Omdia calls “connecting the dots across the entire technology value chain”.

Universe is Omdia’s new Vendor Selection methodology. The firm says it is “designed to robustly and holistically assess key vendors in growing and established technology markets”.

Omdia is giving its reports an additional dimension by tapping into reviews from TrustRadius, one of the “big three” enterprise review sites alongside Gartner Peer Insights and G2. The […]

By |2021-01-02T14:41:52+01:00September 28th, 2020|
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